Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Holly Collie Christmas

Collie noses are so hard to photograph in front of the Christmas tree, but we tried! My mom did the photos, I did the Collie wrangling.
Oddly enough, Flynn the Wiggler is the easiest to pose. Too bad we've still got one ear in training . . .
Bella will only pose for food - as you can see by the focused, starved-to-death look.

 Riley, the most mature and obedient, is the most difficult. Wacky.
 I am so pleased with this last shot. All of that hard work on "stay" has paid off!

Now I'm off to continue my reading in Kristina Marshall's book on the Sunnybank Dogs. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

So, we've been busy . . .

My mother pointed out to me that it's been almost two months since I posted . . . so I thought I'd post.

We had a FABULOUS time at the shows in November. I love it! I'm addicted!

Primping! Flynn hates primping, but he got better after the first weekend of it.

Flynn loves sleeping on the bed in hotel rooms - he never gets to be on furniture at home.

 After being tortured with girly-ness all weekend, it was only fair that I let him be a mud-monster Monday morning . . .

He stands so purty!
And the next day we moved on to SNOW! Puppy's first snow, and, boy howdy, did he love it!

And, to finish it all up, it's Christmas time and time for Christmas pictures!

There. We're all caught up. My Flynn is taking a break from shows to grow a bigger coat - too bad most of our hard-earned undercoat came out with the Christmas bath . . . :(